Thursday, January 19, 2012

And the journey begins...

Hi Folks,

   Welcome to the wild ride called engagement!   My fiance and I have actually been engaged for a while now (since August 2010), but with 6 months left till our wedding date (June 30, 2012), I find myself wondering...what have I been doing for the last year and a half!   In fact, I often think how do people plan a wedding and hold a real job?    I am the perfect storm of who you would not want involved to plan your wedding.   Knowing me, I would leave out important details like finding a hotel for everyone to stay in, or not ordering enough alcohol.  I am the perfect paradox of indecision, creativity, details and the big picture.   Unfortunately, I often wonder for the days following a decision...Did I really do the right thing?  Could I have saved more money if I did something else?  Hours upon hours I spend--on the couch, in bed, at red lights, perusing Martha Stewart and Pinterest, drooling over perfect pictures, looking at inspo boards and getting ideas from DIY experts.  Nothing gives me a sense of satisfaction better than a DIY project that resulted in saving money!  
However, my partner in co-planning is so skilled he could run the city of New York better than Bloomberg...
introducing Mr. Lovebug.

   Lovebug.  Yup, that's what we call each other, don't laugh.  And that's why I'm Miss Lovebug, soon to be Mrs. Lovebug.    I don't really remember how this possibly-annoying pet name came about, except that one say I said something that was cutsy and Mr. LB said "You're such a little lovebug!"   It just stuck.  So that's us:  Mr. and soon to be Mrs. Lovebug, which from here on out will be LB.  
   How did I bring in this catch?  It's called Cupid and his bow and arrow.  No really, OkCupid.  Dot Com.    Coincidentally, both of us were pretty disgusted with dating/online dating around the time we met-- "at the end of our rope"  as Mr. LB likes to tell people.  Funny, on the day Mr. LB sent his first "hello"  message, I had actually logged on to delete my account because I was thoroughly fed up with the last online dud I dated.  But Mr. LB's charm hooked me enough to reply to his message, talk on phone and meet him all within the first week.   The story only gets better from there.
Here's Mr. LB and I in our early days when I was trying out being a brunette...

Here's a picture of Mr. LB and I on engagement Day (sorry ladies, I did not try the "engagement chicken strategy")

   Mr. LB and I live in our country's first historical suburb, which is outside of New York City.   I am a former Brooklynite, but since Mr. LB and I want to save for a house (aka Lovebug Abode), I moved in to save some dollars.  As much as I miss my life in Brooklyn and my beautiful apartment that Mr. LB and I designed and painted to be a beach bungalow, I love living with Mr. LB and his family.  Mr. LB's parents are wonderful and Mr. LB's mom makes incredible dinners.  I am beyond thankful!  (this is not lip service since Mr. LB's mom may be reading this!)
   So I asked an old friend why engagement was stressful because I was determined to be that bride--you know, cool, calm, carefree.  That's not be in real life, so I don't know why I expected myself to suddenly change and not be an anxious person anymore.  My friend, who's walked down the aisle more than once, explained to me that no matter what, engagements carry a certain amount of stress because it is the fusing together of two people and their families--on top of all the planning.  So I guess I'm normal.
   I can't wait to "meet" those of you who will accompany me on this wild ride of engagement.  Hopefully, you find this blog inspiring, or at least amusing.   I love DIY, craftiness and all things creative, so please send your feedback, ideas, opinions.

Tell me...what emotions have you felt during engagement?

Stay tuned for more goodness...
xoxo Miss LB

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