Thursday, January 19, 2012

Don't drop the ring into the lake

Hi friends,
   I'm sure you're dying to know how Mr. LB asked me to marry him.   Mr. LB's family has a house on Lake Sunapee, N.H, which is perfect for boating in the summer and skiing or snowboarding in the winter.   We absolutely love our trips up to N.H. and just thinking about it gets me excited for our next visit in about 3 weeks.   New Hampshire holds a lot of memories for the both of us: the lake house was given to Mr. LB's parents, aunts and uncles by his grandparents and Mr. LB practically lived up there in  the summers.   I grew up visiting my aunt and uncle in Warner, which is about 20 minutes away from the lake. How strange we spent so many summers together only 20 minutes apart.  I often wonder if Mr. LB and I were in N.H. the same weekends growing up.  Maybe we passed each other on Interstate 91.  If you care to have a peak at Sunapee's greatness, check out Oprah's interview with Steven Tyler of Aerosmith.  Tyler also spent many summers on the lake as a kid and now has a beautiful lake house.   I'm dying to run into him and get Mr. LB and I an invite.    
   Anyways, back to the story.  August 7, 2010, Mr. LB and I embark for Sunapee with a short "scheme" on the way.  I coined the term "scheme"  because Mr. LB and I used to plan surprise trips or outings for each other when we were long distance lovebugs.   Well, our "scheme" en route to Sunapee was stopping at the university of Albany to watch Giants training camp.   Even though I am a faithful Philadephia Eagles fan, Mr. LB decided that a requirement for marriage was that I would somehow be a Giants fan.    Football is football to me--I love watching anyone play, so I was a pretty good sport watching my rival team's camp.

   The entire day, Mr. LB kept enticing me with another surprise that I would get "later."  We went for a walk after dark to look at the stars and then sat on the dock.  Mr. LB had a box wrapped in Tiffany's paper with a white bow.  so fancy!  I opened the box and it was a purse/wallet from Vera Bradley.   Most normal girls would have been overjoyed.  I was not.  I think Vera Bradley bags look like Grandma bags on steroids.  Thankfully, I knew Mr. LB meant this as a joke.  I was then prompted to I open the zipped change purse, where I found a beautiful diamond ring inside.    Mr. LB turned to me and said:  "I was wondering if you would like to marry me and be my wife."  So funny, that Mr. LB who is the best rhetoric I know was fumbling with this words.  Of course, I said yes and gave Mr. LB a huge hug and a big smooch.
   Let's get to the planning...Mr. LB and I pretty much laid around for the next 4 months and didn't even talk about our wedding day.  Our answer to people who asked the date was "We don't know."  Finally, while recovering from tryptophan on Thanksgiving, I decided to begin my web search for our perfect venues for the church and reception.

*begin side note here*  For years, I've wanted to get married on the beach at sunset with flip flops, a whimsical white dress and linen suits.   This was pretty much the opposite of what Mr. LB wanted. I guess someone is going to have to compromise.  

   Mr LB's church is very important to him, so out of all the love in the world, I compromised and agreed to have a "church wedding." I was thinking, if you're going to have a church wedding, you might as well go all out get married at a beautiful cathedral.  In fact, our church was built in 1885.   Here is a picture of it--The Cathedral of the Incarnation Episcopal Church in Garden City.

 And here is a picture of the inside--

 What is your ceremony venue and how did you choose it?

Signing off for now...
xoxo Miss LB

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